Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Frantic Februaryyyyyy!

24 February!

Went out with Ji-Hyun!!! (Refer: Previous post!)
Camwhored so much~ Many many many photos up on FB! If Blogger could, I would upload the whole entire album!
Talked so much and laughed so loud with that girlllll!

27 February!


Celebrated Jon's birthday with Candice, Kim Jihyun, Weiren, Shuen, Yos!
Jon had vouchers so we dined at swensens even though he ate it in the afternoon already!! :P
Bought him this HUGE HUGE PANDA!
Camwhore like crazy too.... with my new hairstyle~ BANGS D:
FB is loaded with awesome DSLR photos and once again, if Blogger allowed, I would upload the whole album T_T

February ended so quickly without me knowing
Now it's time for us to embrace march's coming
Who knows what will be in store for me
But I'll definitely be prepared for what will be arriving


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