Saturday, June 30, 2012

rock the stage,


Rania and Aisyah won second in duets /sobs/
Yawen with her band, Jedi Bass, won first for bands while Yawen got second for female vocal solo!
I have such talented friends. Can I kill someone please?

To celebrate~ We went down to Baskin Robbins for an ice-cream treat after dinner!

It was our June babies cluster celebration on Thursday!

Happy Birthday to Miao Jing (mandarin joker), Ji-Hyun, Audrey and Ruohua! :)

We had PIZZZZZA! And it wasn't even enough!

The kids came afterwards~ :3

And Friday was just a super boring day w/ lessons.... -.-" I was so packed with lessons I didn't eat my proper lunch! HOW DARE I! 


We formally celebrate MJ's birthday with a sakae sushiiiiiii buffet, hehehe, and then I went down to Toa Payoh for a dim sum high tea buffet to celebrate my ah ma's birthday too!
Went down to NEX afterwards with my family to do some small shopping, had a budget of $50 but I ended up spending over... :( On accessories only..... I hate myself.

Photos of today is with Weiren! Not sure when he'll upload it!
I shall end this post with photos of me, myself and I 'cos I can.

my ootd! :)


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