Saturday, July 07, 2012


I got inspired through Yawen's tweets a while ago about how people are complaining about how horrible their "other half" is and how their relationships are just going down the drain.


Hearing people talk about how terrible relationships are just makes me want to get a boyfriend and prove them wrong. But then like, man, life is so much simpler this way, why upset the equilibrium? I don't NEED a boyfriend. It's no survival requirement. And because I'm better at living life than everybody else, I'm single. It's not being lonely, it's being smart. And better. #impeccablelogic

Firstly, relationships can only be terrible when neither one loves each other enough to overcome their differences and quarrels.  So long as both parties are willing to give in and understand each other well enough, I don't see why you would complain about your relationship. Sure, we all have our troubles when it comes to relationships and it's never always a smooth ride. But, if faced well, it would be a great opportunity to strengthen the bond you have between each other. Once you complain, it's like saying you've given up on trying to salvage the relationship and you're seeing it as more of a burden than a lovely experience.

Secondly, a lot of people enter relationships because they "NEED" a boyfriend/relationship. You don't NEED a boyfriend/relationship to live a proper life. In fact, if you don't handle it properly, it'll just screw your life up. So before entering a relationship, ask yourself if you LOVE the other person and are willing to spend a lot of time, money and feelings on him/her. If you're not even willing to sacrifice time you're supposed to spend with friends and probably, studies, and go through all their moodswings or bad attitudes then no, you don't love him/her. Many don't understand this point and rush into a relationship because "everyone's in one, I should be in one too". Once you get that mentality, I'm sorry to say but your relationship will be more of a burden to you. Let the complaints begin.

Thirdly, it's important to realize that lonely isn't always worse off. Being lonely (without a partner in life) only means that you're smart enough to wait for that special someone that will make the relationship the best one you'll have, make a relationship that will stick with you forever because of the fond memories that you'll share together. Waiting for that special someone makes you smarter than those who get together with people that aren't right for them.

Of course, this is all my two cents.
Whether you agree or not, is not my problem.


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