Thursday, July 12, 2012

grow up

they say we need to grow up.
they say it comes with age.
they say it's time we mature.

that's what they said.

but when do we actually grow up?
do we grow up when we celebrate our birthday every year?
do we grow up whenever we get hurt?
do we grow up when we finally start being selfish or selfless?

who is to tell us who is a grown up and who isn't?
who is tot tell us who is wiser than who?

wisdom doesn't come with age.
wisdom doesn't come with words.
wisdom comes through experience.
wisdom comes through knowledge of the unknown.
wisdom comes through actions and teachings.

that is wisdom.
so do we gain wisdom as we grow older?
do we gain wisdom as we grow up?
do we gain wisdom by living?

are we more than what our age says about us?
are we more than what life gives us?
are we more than what they label us?

are selfish people matured?
or are selfless people matured?

i wonder.


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