Friday, June 22, 2012

askdjfaklsdfjlkj fat ajdflakjsdkl

It's a Thursdayyyyy! The weekend's coming! Hehehehe.
I had a craving for BAK KUT TEH so went down to song fa's for dinner!

which is btw my new cover photo LOL.

Weiren wanted to eat hokkaido's ice cream and I had no objection other than the fact that I was supposed to abstain from ice-cream!
Healthy living and eating! But....


Hung around afterwards and I tried looking as if I was this sad lonely person with couples surrounding me along the sad sad river where break-ups always happen, OOPS!

But all is well once again because I have awesome friends :P

Ending this short, redundant and lame and boring post with a very glam face of mine.




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