Friday, July 25, 2014

Countdown: D-10

It's 10 more days before the 4th of August, also known as the first day of Orientation Week or the first day of school (technically).

I have spent 8 months, working, travelling, enjoying freedom and finally, I'm settling back down to the mundane routine of studying - not that I'm complaining.

They say it's exciting, liberating, fun. But I'm not feeling any of that yet. All I'm feeling now is solitude, fear and weird. I'm going to have make new friends again and it's been 8 months since I last tried to socialise with people I don't know... My socialising skills are pretty rusty as it is.

And it's the unknown that scares me as usual and I hate not knowing.

Everything's different now - I don't get a time table given to me because I have to plan and fight with other people for the slots I want. I also have to mix around with different group of friends because I don't have a class either. Worst of all, I have no uniform. How am I supposed to think of something to wear everyday?!?!?!

Okay, I digress.

It's 10 days to the start of something new - it could be exciting and the best thing to happen to me other than graduating from NUS High but it could also be a dreadful 4 years (hopefully) for me and I guess it all depends if I get my shit together and actually study conscientiously now.

To a new start and a better Jean.



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