Sunday, August 10, 2014


Tomorrow marks the start of my first ever lecture in University and boy, am I nervous.

It's been so long since I've intellectually stimulated my brain and I'm not sure if my brain is ready to take on that challenge! Furthermore, being "demoted" from the senior senior to a freshmen kinda sucks - knowing that you're back to being at the bottom of the food chain is pretty terrifying.

It feels weird knowing that I don't have my free days anymore or the freedom to do whatever I want everyday. It also feels weird knowing I need to start socialising and being friends with people again which I have to admit, sounds pretty intimidating right now. I mean, I haven't tried making any other friends for the past 8 months?!

New environment, new people, new (and harder) syllabus...
Not sure if I'm ready to take on this challenge yet...

Then again, even if I'm not ready, I'll have to do it anyway.

To the start of a brand new chapter of my life, and hopefully the revival of my blogging and reflecting self.



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